Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 5, 2010 3:47 PM
in response to: DarthMRN
Cheers DarthMRN!
Sorry, I wasn't being skeptical of you - I knew we were able to ask questions about specific continuity items, as per the quote you provided (and indeed I've done so quite a few times myself...), I just wasn't sure if we were encouraged to ask questions here about any Holocron/continuity issues Mr Chee had discussed on his Twitter profile; I didn't know if he wanted us to stick to using Twitter itself to ask him questions about the things he talks about on Twitter and leave this thread for other things.
Thanks also darthmilo, I'll see if I can change my settings back to how they used to be pre-forum updgrade...

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 5, 2010 12:25 AM
in response to: ulic_g99
Sorry DarthMRN, my forum viewing settings are obviously a bit deranged, the links never come out where they're supposed to for me... Would you be able to post the date and time of the post you meant to link to, please?
Funny. Oct 19, 2006 6:59 PM. Quote:
Guys, let's not forget . . .
Do not use this forum for your specific continuity questions which would be better addressed in the Welcome some BCaT VIPs or the Books, Comics & Television Questions forums.
Ehhh, I've been lax about these guidelines for a while now. I'm happy to answer what I can.
By the way, I might be being a bit dense, but what do you mean by 'skeptical'?
Just a joke about the fact that your question was asked two pages ago, and I answered that Leland has said you get to ask what you want regarding continuity, per the above quote. The implication being that you didn't believe me and wanted a direct response from Leland. In other words you were being skeptical.
Nothing to worry about. I thought it was kinda humorous digging up a four-year old Leland quote just to prove something like this to begin with. 

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 5, 2010 12:14 AM
in response to: ulic_g99
Sorry DarthMRN, my forum viewing settings are obviously a bit deranged, the links never come out where they're supposed to for me...  Would you be able to post the date and time of the post you meant to link to, please?
By the way, I might be being a bit dense, but what do you mean by 'skeptical'?
You can change it back to the old way with "Your Control Panel" at the top. The new default with the new look of the forums is the reverse.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 10:32 PM
in response to: Leland Y Chee
Thank you all so much for answering my question.
Kindest regards,

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 5:38 PM
in response to: IllogicalRogue2
I actually never much liked the Greedo the Elder retcon. Before I found out about it, I had a completely different scenario mapped out in my mind where Greedo had left Tatooine for a while after Episode I and later came back, or something like that. It didn't necessarily fit, but now it seems to work better than what official continuity had.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 3:26 PM
in response to: Malachi108
Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 3:17 PM
in response to: Leland Y Chee
TalonCard from TFN forums came in with, IMO, perfect solution, which sounds:
"Because Greedo shared his name, occupation, and employer with his offspring, historical accounts have often made it difficult to separate the two."
Voila! All discrepancies can be attributed to In-Universe confusion by, say, Voren Na'al. And then early part of Greedo's backstory can be attributed to his father, much like Fett's story from The last One Standing.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 1:10 PM
in response to: DarthMRN
Sorry DarthMRN, my forum viewing settings are obviously a bit deranged, the links never come out where they're supposed to for me...  Would you be able to post the date and time of the post you meant to link to, please?
By the way, I might be being a bit dense, but what do you mean by 'skeptical'?

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 12:10 PM
in response to: ulic_g99
http://forums. starwars.com/thread.jspa?messageID=15811874
Way to be skeptical, ulic. I answered that on the last page. But then, I'm too skeptical myself to "have the high ground" on this.
This Greedo development frightens me somewhat. It casts doubts on Leland's ability to deliver on the promise that all old CW material will be retained.
So he was now middle-aged in ANH, eh? Well, I guess the Dexterity penalty levied on that age category by the WotC Revised Core helps explain how he managed to miss on such short range, then. XD

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 11:41 AM
in response to: Leland Y Chee
Mr Chee, are we allowed to ask you questions on this thread about the Holocron and continuity related things you mention on Twitter, or would you like to keep this thread clear of that sort of thing?

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 11:36 AM
in response to: Leland Y Chee
Thanks for the clarification.
So, Greedo the Elder still exist. Can he keep his proper background, which would simply be pushed in early years ?
So, does the rest of the old Greedo's background belongs to, say, another Greedo from the same family ? A nephew, or something ? Or even his own son ? Perhaps people, with so many Greedos, mixed their respective stories and the Tale is only a big in-universe confused drunkers story about Greedo's dynasty ?
Keep the Greedo's background alive, even if it's not the same Greedo !
Edited by: Le Passant on Oct 4, 2010 11:38 AM

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 10:33 AM
in response to: Darrth Morrt
Greedo in Episode IV is now the very same Greedo in "Sphere of Influence" and the Episode I deleted scene "Anakin Scuffles with Greedo" (not to be confused with Ani's friend Wald, the young Rodian in the final cut of the film.) This does negate some of the backstory from Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina and the retcon saying that the deleted scene Greedo was actually Greedo's dad, Greedo the Elder. We felt it important to make this change so that it is more consistent with George Lucas's vision for the character. It'll be up to future authors to decide what parts of the Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina story are still salvageable, though we'll likely keep the part where Wuher takes Greedo's body and turns it into a drink. Maybe the rest of the backstory goes to Greedo the Elder, or maybe there's yet another Rodian named Greedo out there.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 10:08 AM
in response to: DarthMRN
Ahsoka is 14 years old at the time of the movie. So her birth year would have been circa 36-35 BBY.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 9:26 AM
in response to: DarthMRN
Especially if Troguta lifespan is such that Shaak Ti can look like a twenty-something in her fifties (I'm looking at you, TFU).
That's some Fridge Brilliance right there.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 8:34 AM
in response to: mason_1701
I was thinking with the Jedi Path the simplest fix there---
...is that Luke gets the book from the Iron Knights Master when he joins Luke's order and Luke was just too busy to read it thoroughly or esle he'd have seen the "Art of being Small" for what it was and not been shocked when Vergere employed it.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 8:34 AM
in response to: mason_1701
On the subject of S-canon, I'd like to remind everyone of the following:
New Material Cannot Be S-Canon.
S-Canon was made as a means of categorizing older materials that they were having trouble integrating, like some of the older Marvel and Marvel UK stuff. They called it S-Canon UNLESS it was referenced elsewhere (making it C) or discredited elsewhere (making it N).
But they never make new material and call it S. Either it's canon, or it isn't (and G outranks T outranks C).
"Support Hutt-on-Hutt Love."
Sounds like they need a new definition or a new level again for this stuff. Cause the guides interpret the show in messed up ways that then become cannon....

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 8:00 AM
in response to: DarthMRN
While Leland can still answer, I could at least venture a guess for you:
I shall as well. I think the ages can be relative. Lucas said 11 because that's a young age in human years and he was just making a point. The age limit of 13 in Watson's books couldn't apply to every Jedi because different species age at different rates. 13 was applied to Obi-Wan, so that would be the human standard. If Troguta age differently than humans, it's possible that Ahsoka is literally 14 years old, but she is the equivalent to a human 11 year old.
But that's just speculation on my part.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 7:32 AM
in response to: TorrentCommander
While Leland can still answer, I could at least venture a guess for you:
GL's vision determines what can and can't be done in the EU ( link). Yet GL public statements are rarely tracked as continuity by the Holocron.
So the logical conclusion is that the EU books wouldn't have given her age as 14 if GL truly intended for her to be 11 and that's that. Of course, it could just have slipped past the testing people, but if so it is unlikely to have been repeated in several sources. Particularly not the Databank, which could have been edited at any point during the last two years.
On a personal note, given how tall she is, and the development of her * ahem * womanly bits, she damn well better be 14 rather than 11. Especially if Troguta lifespan is such that Shaak Ti can look like a twenty-something in her fifties (I'm looking at you, TFU).

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 6:54 AM
in response to: DarthMRN
I have only one question to ask with regards to what is considered canon, or as I said before, what is considered to be 'more correct' canon and what is 'less correct canon', as it relates to the Clone Wars series including Expanded Universe and statements made by Mr. Lucas. The example I want to use relates to Ahsoka Tano's age when she is first introduced in the Clone Wars movie.
In an interview Mr. Lucas did in 2008, he introduced her as an eleven-year-old girl. In the Clone Wars movie, Anakin accuses Ahsoka of not being old enough to be a Padawan to which she replies that she may not be, but that Master Yoda thinks her old enough for the promotion (she also admits later in the monastery that she is trying to prove that she is not too young to be promoted to the rank of Padawan). In the Expanded Universe book "Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival" it is said that a Youngling must be chosen to be a Padawan by the age of thirteen or else go to the Agricorps.
However, in Anakin Skywalker's Databank entry, it is stated that Ahsoka is fourteen years old when she is assigned as Anakin's Padawan (in Ahsoka's Databank entry, her age is not given; it only states that "she graduated to Padawan at an early age"). In the "Clone Wars" novelization, she is also said to be fourteen.
Basically, my question is this: given the statement by Mr. Lucas, the Expanded Universe book reference, and the movie reference on the one hand, and Anakin's databank entry and the Clone Wars novel on the other hand, which is considered to be more correct canon?
Thank you kindly.

Re: Holocron continuity database questions
Oct 4, 2010 6:33 AM
in response to: Le Passant
It is the Leland post, the one highest up per my configuration, which is chronologically descending. I suppose if you check the pages before and after, it should be there no matter your configuration. Anyway, here is the relevant part:
Source A contradicts Source B. More likely than not, if Source A is from the films and Source B is from the EU, we'll use Source A. Of course, there can always be exceptions which is why the case-by-case determination is always in effect no matter what the Sources.
The implication here being that if the movies can be overridden, so can TCW.